Island Community Solar Co-op is a for-profit financial (investor) co-operative, conceived to promote distributed, clean, solar electricity generation in the Vancouver Island region.

Solar Enthusiasts to Sustainable Savings
Become a part of the solar revolution and take your energy destiny into your own hands.
Renewable Lease
Your future can be brighter, greener, and more cost effective when you switch to a leased solar panel system. We offer a 20-year variable rate lease that is renewable every five years, and your lease rate is guaranteed to be less than current applicable BC Hydro rates for grid-supplied electricity. If at the end of your lease you’d like to continue to enjoy low-cost solar energy you can buy out your lease for only $1. That means for the next 10 or so years your electricity will be virtually free!
If for any reason you need to terminate the lease before the contact is up, you can do so with adequate notice and payment of termination fees as outlined in your lease agreement. ICSC will then remove the solar PV system from your building(s).

Submit the inquiry form and ask any questions.
Request a free, no obiliation cost estimate.
Pay the $150 fee, get an analysis and firm price quote.
Become an ICSC Member (lifetime share is $50).
Sign contract with Viridian, and pay $50 deposit.
Click here to download the presentation about the past Bulk Buy & Install program for more information.
Bulk Buy & Install
Please note that we are not currently accepting new applicants for the Bulk Buy program.
This program is perfect for neighbourhoods that would like to join together to initiate a bulk installation of solar PV systems.
Bulk Buy & Install programs have a wait list and are initiated when we reach a suitable amount of participants within one area (200+ kW of installations required). Once you've committed to the Bulk Buy & Install project the vendor will schedule a date and time and installation takes between one to two days.
Clients with high electricity consumption are ideal.
• 33,000+ kWh/year (total grid supplied) or;
• 25,000+ kWh/year (total step 2 BC Hydro RS 1101 or diesel generator supplied)
Electricity Consumption
We are looking to build long term relationships with our clients. Our clients range from cooperative housing developments, apartments or condominiums, small remote communities and others who want to take advantage of the up-front savings and have a sufficient, steady cash flow to cover their existing electricity bills.
Business Relationship
Our clients believe in our mission "To empower individuals and communities in the Vancouver Island region to invest in transitioning towards a distributed renewable energy future by developing local solar projects”
ICSC Mission
Our clients support our vision “For everyone to be able to participate in making solar power a significant contributor to energy self-sufficiency on Vancouver Island”
The building roof or facility the solar PV system is proposed to be installed on will ideally have these qualities:
• Southern exposure, tilted at 35 degrees (horizontal is acceptable but won’t generate as much electricity);
• Low or no shading from roof features or adjacent trees, buildings, hills etc
Solar Exposure
Our program targets folks with high electricity costs.
Current electricity source is:
• Grid-supplied BC Hydro residential rate RS 1101 with significant step 2 consumption;
• Diesel generated electricity;
• Grid-supplied BC Hydro small general service RS 1300
Electricity Cost
Our program targets clients who will have long term access to their facility or homes.
Since the cost of the solar PV system is spread out over time, ICSC requires the facility or building that the solar PV system is mounted on to last as long, or longer, than the life of the system
Facility Lifetime
This service is ideal for candiates whose property roofs have a long remaining lifetime.
Solar PV systems can produce reliable power for 25 to 30 years so it’s desirable to install on a roof that doesn’t require renewal for at least the 20 year solar PV system lease period
Roof Lifetime
Site Selection Criteria
How can do I sign up for a free property assessment?Applying for a free assessment is easy. Fill out the Prospect Project Inquiry Form below and we will contact you to discuss your project in more detail and arrange a site visit. Click below to download the prospect project inquiry form. Email your completed form to or mail to Island Community Solar Co-op, 353 Seventh Street, Nanaimo BC, V9R 1E3.
Who maintains the system after installation?ICSC maintains the solar PV system until completion of the lease. This includes routine cleaning or snow removal if required, as well as replacement of any equipment that fails during the lease period. In addition, ICSC monitors the solar PV system output to ensure it is delivering as much electricity as possible at all times.
What types of businesses are best for solar?Our clients are aligned with the ICSC mission and vision and want to go solar. They are typically long-term BC Hydro residential or small general service business customers that stay in one place and consume in excess of 33,000 kWh of electricity per year. They also have the regular cash flow required to pay their electricity bill in full but don’t have the significant savings set aside to cover the upfront cost of a large solar PV system. Our client outreach includes rural communities, First Nations and businesses/organizations that serve these communities. If this describes you or your business/organization, please contact us; we would love to explore if our solar leasing program would work for you!
Is my building suitable for a solar panel system?Some of the key factors required for a successful solar panel system include southern roof exposure with no or low shading, long remaining roof lifetime and long remaining building life (solar PV systems typically last for more than 20 years). We will do a free site visit to assess your location to ensure you meet the requirements for a solar PV system.
Does Vancouver Island get enough sun for solar?Surprisingly to some, Vancouver Island is a great choice for solar panel systems. Most of the Island receives enough sunlight to make solar energy a viable and environmentally-conscious choice. Solar technology is also continuously improving, meaning more effective systems and less sunlight needed.
What are the benefits of solar systems for homeowners?Switching to solar energy comes with many benefits, but here are some of the top reasons homeowners make the switch: Protection against rising energy costs Lessening the household’s environmental impact Ability to shift away from relying on energy imported from BC’s mainland Availability of grants to reimburse system costs
Will the system need to be cleared in the event of snow?In the event of sustained periods of heavy snow, it will be important to ensure your panels are clear and able to receive sunlight.
Will solar panels affect the value of my home?In most cases, solar panels will increase the value of your home. Many buyers see a solar panel PV system as an added benefit or upgrade to the home.
Is my home suitable for a solar panel system?There are many factors to consider when installing a solar panel system, but the starting steps are to look at the location of the home and the age of the roof. Solar panels need to be on a roof that is free of nearby obstacles like trees or other buildings that may cause shade. It is also necessary that the roof has southern exposure to ensure it will receive enough sunlight. As solar panel systems have a long lifespan (25-30 years), ICSC requires the home that the solar PV system is mounted on to last as long, or longer, than the life of the system.
Start investing in clean energy! By becoming a member and purchasing investment shares you'll be directly contributing to solar projects on and around Vancouver Island. There's no greener investment than solar energy!
More Information
All ICSC investors must be members and own at least one member share. Investment shares have a par value of $450 each and no member may hold more than 55 investment shares. They are redeemable or transferable within specific limitations in the ICSC Rules.
With some exceptions and due to BC Securities Commission BC Instrument 45-530, only individuals who are members of the co-op will be able to purchase investment shares – so if you intend on becoming an investor, become a member now! Members will be informed of investment opportunities – watch your email for updates.
Click "Become an Investor" below to see a draft PDF version of the investment document. A finalized version will be available to all members soon.