Become A Member
Membership Rights
The rights of our members are governed under the BC Cooperative Association Act and ICSC Rules. Each member entitled to one vote at any general meeting called under the Act.
The membership fee for ICSC is $50 per membership share. Individuals are required to have at least one share, and two or more people may purchase a joint membership. Businesses or community groups may also become members by purchasing shares. Member shares are redeemable or transferable within specific limitations set out in the ICSC Rules. ICSC will issue payment for redeemed membership shares within one year from the date of withdrawal from membership.
Become a Member by Mail
To become a member of Island Community Solar Co-op by mail, please click here to download the membership application form.
Mail the completed application form, along with payment, to:
Island Community Solar Co-op
353 Seventh Street
Nanaimo, BC V9R 1E3
Email: info@islandsolarcoop.ca
Investment Shares
Investment shares will be available after the launch of our first official project. With some exceptions and due to BC Securities Commission BC Instrument 45-530, only individuals who are members of the co-op will be able to purchase investment shares – so if you intend on becoming an investor, become a member now! Members will be kept informed of opportunities to invest – watch your email for updates. The proceeds from investment shares will be used to fund Vancouver Island and area ICSC solar PV project
Member Benefits

The benefits of becoming a member of Island Community Solar Co-op:
Be involved in the solar revolution promoting clean, distributed energy generation on Vancouver Island, even if your current home is not suitable for a solar PV system.
Help Vancouver Island become more energy independent by reducing the amount of electricity we import from the BC mainland.
Receive reliable long-term investment income when you purchase investment shares in the co-op.
Help shape the direction of the co-op with voting privileges at our Annual General Meetings.
Expand your network of like-minded people interested in renewable energy.
Help out by volunteering with a growing community cooperative.
Receive a lifetime membership along with a membership certificate.